Hepatitis C: Getting Support
Hepatitis C can be a lifelong condition, but it is curable. You can manage how it affects you. Discussing your health with your doctor and loved ones can help. So can taking steps to help keep yourself healthy. You’ll find that hepatitis C doesn’t have to control your life.
What you can do
Most people with hepatitis C have it for the rest of their lives. But many people never have any major problems. You can help keep hepatitis C under control.
Follow up with your healthcare provider. Learn more about your condition and how to keep yourself healthy. Ask about treatments that may help your body fight HCV.
Avoid things that can make hepatitis C worse. Drinking alcohol makes you much more likely to have health problems related to hepatitis C. So does using certain medications and supplements. By avoiding these, you can greatly increase your chances of staying healthy.
Protect others from becoming infected. Learn how HCV (hepatitis C virus) spreads from one person to another. Then take steps to keep from spreading the virus to people around you.
Finding support
Talking to others with hepatitis C may help you feel more in control. Join a support group or log on to the Internet. Try the resources below for more information:
American Liver Foundation 800-465-4837 www.liverfoundation.org
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 800-232-4636 www.cdc.gov/hepatitis
HCV Advocate www.hcvadvocate.org
Hepatitis Foundation International 800-891-0707 www.hepfi.org
National Viral Hepatitis Roundtable www.nvhr.org
April 01, 2020
Reviewed By:  
MMI board-certified, academically affiliated clinician, Taylor, Wanda, L., RN, PhD.