How Noise Pollution Hurts You 

You have your hearing checked but are told it’s normal. Still, you seem to be missing words in conversations and can’t focus on what someone is saying in a crowded area. Why?


How to Remove Earwax  

Wax buildup can lead to hearing loss, but it should be properly removed to prevent damage to your eardrum and ear canal.

Woman with Illness --- Image by © Tom Grill/Corbis

Take Care with Nasal Sprays 

If you use a medicated nasal spray for more than 3 days in a row, you may develop rebound rhinitis medicamentosa (RM) when you do stop using the spray.


Does Hearing Loss Cause Tinnitus? 

The vast majority of people with tinnitus — phantom noises in their ears — also have hearing loss, but you may not realize your hearing is damaged.


What Is Tinnitus? 

Damage to your hearing from noise can cause tinnitus — phantom sounds like ringing or buzzing coming from nowhere. The problem affects about 15 percent of adults.


Inner Ear Infection Symptoms 

Inner ear infection symptoms, which strike adults more often than children, can cause worrisome problems, including dizziness and feeling off-balance.