Couple meditating on beach --- Image by © Corbis

Benefits of Yoga for Weight Loss 

It seems counterintuitive that something so calming could burn calories and get our bodies into tiptop shape, but yoga for weight loss really works.


Yoga for Back Pain 

Are you considering physical therapy or yoga for back pain? Both can help you, especially if you mind your posture in between your exercises. Learn more.


Yoga for Your Memory 

Yoga may be just as good, or better, than the current gold standard of treatment for memory loss. Here's what you should know about yoga for memory loss.


Yoga for Neck Pain 

Neck pain is rarely a sign of a serious medical problem, but it can be miserable when chronic. Research shows yoga for neck pain can bring non-drug relief.


Yoga Poses for Beginners 

These yoga poses for beginners show up in nearly every class. As you progress, you’ll find that they feel a bit different every day. Also remember yoga is “real exercise,” not “just stretching.”