Not Wearing Your Motorcycle Helmet Can Be Deadly
Not wearing a helmet is dangerous if there’s no state helmet law where you ride; head injuries doubled after Michigan relaxed its helmet law.
Not wearing a helmet is dangerous if there’s no state helmet law where you ride; head injuries doubled after Michigan relaxed its helmet law.
Hands-free phones help, but you still shouldn’t try to do other tasks while driving.
Thousands of Americans suffer fire injuries annually in their homes.
Young children are curious and like to put things in their mouth. Ordinary products used by adults each day around the home can become dangerous poisons in the hands of a child.
Research and planning ahead will provide prevention — and tell you where to go to get help when you need it.
When you turn on the tap for a glass of water, do you ever wonder about the quality or safety of that water?
Unintentional shootings cause a significant portion of all firearm-related deaths among children ages 14 and under.
Illness can spread through unsafe cooking and storage techniques.
It's convenient and private, but beware of rogue websites.
Children ages 4 and younger who ride in motor vehicles unrestrained are twice as likely to die or suffer injuries in a car crash.