Caring for Yourself after Giving Birth

A mother needs to take good care of herself to rebuild her strength.
A mother needs to take good care of herself to rebuild her strength. You will need plenty of rest, good nutrition, and help during the first few weeks. Here’s a list of tips and common postpartum problems with links to more information.
Taking Care of Yourself after Birth
A mother's body has undergone many changes during pregnancy, as well as with the birth of her baby. She needs to heal and recover from pregnancy and childbirth. In addition to rest, all mothers need to maintain a healthy diet to promote healing and recovery.
After a Vaginal Birth
After having a baby, your body may be very tired. It can take time to recover from a vaginal delivery. You may stay in the hospital or birth center from 1 to 4 days. In some cases, you may be able to go home the same day.
After a Cesarean
It can take time to recover fully after a cesarean. It’s important to take care of yourself—both for your own sake and because your new baby needs you. Click the link above for tips to recover.
After Episiotomy
Your doctor either performed an episiotomy (an incision made to enlarge the opening of the vagina) or repaired tissue that was torn during your baby’s birth. Stitches were used to repair the skin in or near your vagina. The stitches will dissolve on their own within a few weeks. They don’t need to be removed by your doctor.
Postpartum Hemorrhage
Postpartum hemorrhage is excessive bleeding following the birth of a baby. About 1% to 5% of women have postpartum hemorrhage and it is more likely with a cesarean birth. Hemorrhage most commonly occurs after the placenta is delivered.
Staying Fit After Delivery
After you deliver your baby, you can start to exercise whenever you feel ready. Let your body be your guide. Most women are ready to exercise after 6 weeks. If you’ve had a cesarean section, you may need more time. Click the link above for exercise tips.
April 07, 2020