Well Baby Checkup Schedule

By YourCareEverywhere Staff @YourCareE
June 22, 2016
Pediatrician with baby girl (2-5 months) --- Image by © Hiya Images/Corbis

Your baby will need to visit the doctor several times during her first two years.

After you deliver your baby and take her home, your baby will need to have a series of doctor visits, called well baby checkups, over her first two years. Here are some tips with links to more information to discuss with your baby’s doctor during each visit. One tip: print and take them with you.

Newborn checkup

Your baby’s first well baby checkup will likely happen within a week of birth. During this visit, the healthcare provider will examine your baby and ask questions about your baby’s first few days at home.

The first month

Your baby’s healthcare provider will ask questions about your baby. The doctor will observe your baby to get an idea of your infant’s development. The doctor will be looking for certain developmental markers.

At two months

At the 2-month checkup, the health care provider will examine your baby and ask how things are going at home.

At four months

At the 4-month well baby checkup, the doctor will be looking to see if your baby is holding her head up and reaching for and grabbing nearby items. Your baby likely will receive several vaccinations during this visit.  

At six months

At this checkup, your baby’s doctor will be looking to see if your baby can sit up for a few seconds at a time and might be starting to teeth.

At nine months

Your baby’s checkups will start to occur at longer intervals now. The healthcare provider will look to see if your baby is crawling, standing, and sitting up without support and ask whether your baby is exhibiting signs of separation anxiety.

At 12 months

Now that your baby is 1-year-old, the doctor will look to see what kind of solid foods your baby is eating. The doctor will probably tell you it’s ok to give her honey now because her immune system should now be ready for it. Your child will also probably need some additional vaccinations.  

At 15 months

The health care provider will ask questions about your child. He or she will observe your toddler to get an idea of your child’s development. By this visit, your child has likely reached several developmental milestones.

At 18 months

During this visit, you’re probably going to hear that you should prepare for the “terrible twos” and how to deal with your child’s behavior.

At 2 years

Your child’s doctor, for this visit, will probably want to know how your child’s language skills are progressing, ask if your child is mastering running and climbing, and prepare you for the onslaught of words you’ll probably start to hear as your child soaks up new information all the time.


April 07, 2020