Well Child Visit Schedule

By YourCareEverywhere Staff @YourCareE
June 22, 2016

Your child is getting older, but he still needs to see the doctor every year.

Now that your child is running, climbing, and talking up a storm, you’ll want to take him to the doctor every year to check on his development. These visits ensure your child’s health is protected with scheduled vaccinations and health screenings. Here are some tips with links to more information to discuss with your child’s doctor.

At 3 years

The healthcare provider will ask questions and observe your child’s behavior to get an idea of his or her development, looking for certain milestones.

At 4 years

Your child may now be in preschool, riding a bike with training wheels, and starting to exhibit independence from you. Your child’s healthcare provider will want to make sure your child’s growth and development is progressing well.

At 5 years

During this visit, your child’s doctor will want to make sure your child is getting enough exercise and eating healthily. You and the doctor may discuss whether your child is ready for kindergarten and several behavioral milestones.

From 6 to 10 years

Even if your child is healthy, keep bringing him in for yearly checkups. Your doctor will continue to be concerned your child gets enough physical activity and eats well. Meanwhile, you’ll likely discuss school, bedwetting, and other social and behavioral issues.

From 11 to 13 years

Your child is now entering the “tween” years or just becoming a teenager. Your child will begin to grow and change a lot. As your child enters puberty, he may become more embarrassed about having a checkup. Reassure your child that the exam is normal and necessary. Be aware that the healthcare provider may ask to talk with the child without you in the exam room.


April 07, 2020