Opioid Addiction Treatment - Page 4

By Temma Ehrenfeld @temmaehrenfeld
November 02, 2017

What is methadone?

Methadone is also an opioid, and more powerful than buprenorphine, that doesn’t make you high and reduces withdrawal symptoms. To find a methadone clinic, check here, or call 800-755-9603.

To get into a methadone program, you will need to produce a urine sample positive for opioid drugs. Generally, you don’t have to stop using your drugs to begin the treatment. Once enrolled, you’ll need to go to a clinic or pharmacy to get a daily dose of methadone, usually provided in a liquid with juice, and drink it on the premises. You won’t be allowed to take any home for some time. The dose is typically increased gradually every few days or up to a week. The goal is to get rid of symptoms of withdrawal from your previous drug and cravings.

Once you are on a stable dose, you will stay on it for at least a year. Don’t try to taper off unless you really feel ready. 


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April 02, 2020

Reviewed By:  

Christopher Nystuen, MD, MBA